Home > Artworks > Enrique Cavestany Pardo-Valcárce

Photo of Enrique Cavestany Pardo-Valcárce Spain

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Enrique Pardo-Valcarce Cavestany

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See everything we offer you!
14.17 x 10.63 in
18.90 x 12.60 in
16.54 x 11.81 in
48.03 x 24.02 in
42.13 x 20.47 in
19.69 x 13.78 in
4.72 x 6.30 in
4.72 x 6.30 in
19.69 x 15.35 in
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Enrique Pardo-Valcarce Cavestany

Painter, industrial designer, illustrator press, a painter who writes.

Fareast-mso-font-family: Tahoma; mso-ansi-language: EN-CR, "lang =" ES-CR "> I. PROFESSIONAL WORK

Ignore, "> · Draftsman in the mother country from 1978 to 2008.

· Illustration and collaboration in: Revista de Occidente, La Estafeta Literaria, Information, Saturday Graphic, Gentleman, TV Spanish.

· Program KALON signature furniture. Madrid 1977-1978

· Roman ""> Mural in Plaza de Cascorro, commissioned by the City Council in Madrid in 1983.

· Curator of the exhibition "La Prensa Ilustrada, Madrid 1976-2008." Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid in 2008.

· Sculpture "The bike Leonardo da Vinci" in ring road Badajoz, Extremadura.

lang = "ES-CR">

II. Exhibitions from 1969 to 2009

mso-ansi-language: EN-CR, "lang =" ES-CR ">

· Individual 23

· Roman ""> 25 Collective.

In Galleries and Museums

lang = "ES-CR"> · Spain: Madrid (Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art and private galleries), Barcelona, Gallery Sebastiá Jané. Cuenca, Antonio Pérez Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art Carmelites. Drawing Museum Larrés (Huesca) Museo de Bellas Artes de Castilla La Mancha. American Museum

· Roman "," Europe:

-Innsbruck (Austria), Tempus Fugit. Stadtturmgalerie 1998

-Sierre (Switzerland) "Franco through the cartoons and the media work" International Festival of Comic Strip 1989

lang = "ES-CR"> · America:

- 2005 Space Transarte Giesso, Buenos Aires, 1968 Hastings Spanish Institute Gallery, New York


· Roman ""> "sea crab." Isthmus Ed. Madrid 1971. Spain

· "A cave in the Cava Baja diluvial" Foundation Enrius & Trama Editorial. Madrid 2003. Spain

· "The Lost World The Oparvorulos" Fundación Antonio Pérez. Diputación de Cuenca. 2007 (Spain)

mso-list: l3 level1 LFO1; tab-stops: list 54.0pt "> IV. AWARDS

Fareast-mso-font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: EN-CR; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; "lang =" ES-CR "> · First Prize Decorators Partnership for their project for the Spanish Pavilion at the Zagreb Fair (Former Yugoslavia) 1969.

· Third Prize National Watercolour Competition 1973

· Third prize for furniture design contest SKAI (Spain) 1973

Fareast-mso-font-family: Symbol; mso-ansi-language: EN-CR; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol; "lang =" ES-CR "> · Award project to design continuous decking TAFISA 1975

· ES-CR, "lang =" ES-CR "> First Prize of the V convocation Adaja Painting Prize. Ávila (Spain) 1980

· Honorable Mention in the Painting Biennial Gran Duque de Alba. Ávila (Spain) 1982

ES-CR, "lang =" ES-CR ">


Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art. Madrid

Museo de Bellas Artes de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete

Drawing Museum. Larrés Castle. Huesca

Museum of Contemporary Art Carmelites. Cuenca

Collection Banco Hipotecario. Madrid


lang = "ES-CR">

Opens in Madrid 1978 La Mandragora

President of the Association of Plastic Artists of Madrid 1996

Co-founder of the Association of Royalty Management of artists, VEGAP 1991

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